The first twelveelements of theinstallationarephotographic imagesobtainedby layeringof 684photos downloadedfrom Internetand notprotected by copyright.
This group ofimagessymbolizes57 years ofthe history ofWestern capitalism,since 1957, the year of thelaunch of theSovietsatelliteSputnik, until now(2014).The choicetostart from the launchof Sputnikin Earth orbitis not random:itisthe first timethat human beingscan see the earthfrom above.For each year, the artist collected twelvehistorical images(one for eachmonth of the year) so as to createa “calendar of the future”consists of twelvenew images.
Two additionalelements act as counterpoint tothe 12new imagesinstalled onthe wall:a black and white picture (always free ofcopyright)depictingFrances Densmore, andan essayon the concept ofCommons(common as a goodthat is not subjecttopolitical and economicrules)taken from aconferencethatIvan Illichheldin Japanin the early Eighties.
Frances Densmore, American anthropologistbornin 1867 anddiedin 1957(the same year of the launch of Sputnik), worked all his lifewiththe American Indianstrying toprotect them fromthe dominant systemofwhite settlersencouragedthe nativesto embraceWesterntraditions and customs.Ivan Illich(Austria,1926-2002), writer, historian, philosopher, theorist of”economic degrowth,” according to Consanithe largestfree-thinkerof the twentiethcentury.The figures ofFrances DensmoreandIvanIllichare fundamentalto complete theworkas symbolsof a possible alternativeto capitalism andeconomic dictatorshipdictated bygovernment policy.Twominor characters, excludingfrom “theofficial story” that canlight the wayfor our future.
Thiswork concludes theresearchof MichelangeloConsani(begun in1997), whichhas had as objective torelate thehistory ofWestern Europe withseveralsymbolic photographic imagesin order to constitute”an archive of free memory